Kavo DiagnoDent®


Our practice uses the Kavo DIAGNOdent laser cavity detection system. The accuracy of diagnosing “hidden” occlusal caries is recognized to be a challenge. Your visual and radiographic evaluation can be
significantly more accurate with the use of Kavo’s DIAGNOdent caries detection aid.

* Received rave reviews from leading testing facilities (i.e. REALITY, Dental Advisor)
and many practicing dentists all over the world.
* High level of patient acceptance and satisfaction.
* Proven to be over 90% accurate.
* Ideal adjunct to minimally invasive techniques (air abrasion, micro rotary instrumentation, etc)
* Allows monitoring of caries progression. Small portable device which is simple to operate.
* Ideal device for both hygienist and doctor

Kavo Diagnodent